【Which Japanese Frozen Foods will Visitors from Abroad Choose!?】Nichirei Foods and MIMARU Collaborate for a Survey! ~Most Delicious: Matcha Cream Imagawayaki; Most Wanted in Their Home Country: Honkaku-Itame Cha-Han (Frozen Fried Rice); Plus Many Expressed Surprise for the Hiyashi Chuuka (Chilled Chinese-Style Noodles) that Kept Ice Inside After Microwaving!~

Press Release

Nichirei Foods, the first company in Japan to make frozen foods that are ready to eat after simply warming them up, and Apartment Hotel MIMARU, which has a guest base that is 90% visitors from abroad who want to stay together with friends and family in spacious guest rooms with kitchens included, shared a common goal to collect opinions on what those from overseas think about Japanese frozen foods, thus inspiring the taste test survey. 

<Survey Period: 25 Groups (107 people) staying at MIMARU Tokyo Station East from June 12-June 23, 2024> 

MIMARU staff selected 6 options from Nichirei Food’s frozen food range that they would recommend for breakfast or lunch/dinner. Guests staying at the hotel were able to choose one item per person, then make and try the items in their rooms. They were then asked to rate the foods in 5 categories and give their impressions on each item’s taste, uniqueness, and on frozen food in general. 

● How These Visitors from Abroad Rated the Selected Frozen Foods 
The Matcha Cream Imagawayaki ranked number 1 amongst all the options, with praise for the well-designed packaging that features the matcha and comments such as ”It was shockingly delicious” and ”I love matcha.” Coming in at number 2 was the Honkaku-Itame Cha-Han (Frozen Fried Rice), which has been recognized by the Guinness World Records™ as the largest frozen fried rice brand in the world (as per the most recent sales in 2023). One guest commented, ”It was really flavorful and delicious! I want to buy it again.” The Asa ni Good!™ Maple Cream Pancakes took third place with families giving them a high rating, saying, ”Our kids really enjoyed the morning pancakes!” Furthermore, for items that guests wanted to have back in their home countries, the Honkaku-Itame Cha-Han (Frozen Fried Rice) ranked number 1, followed by the Taiyaki at number 2, and the Yaki-Onigiri at number 3.

The item that surprised guests the most was the Hiyashi Chuuka (Chilled Chinese-Style Noodles). Even after heating it up in the microwave, unmelted ice remains inside which, combined with the pleasantly chewy noodles, makes it a prime example of the ingenuity of frozen foods. 

■ About the Tasting Event and Survey Results 
MIMARU staff selected 6 items that they would recommend for breakfast or lunch/dinner. Guests then chose which one they wanted to try, prepared them in their own room, and tried them. Their impressions of the frozen foods and how they are different from those in their home countries were collected through an online survey form. 

These are the introductions of the items selected by MIMARU staff (for guests)
These are the introductions of the items selected by MIMARU staff (for guests)

● Comments from Guests and Staff Who Tried the Items (Responder’s Nationality) 

Matcha Cream Imagawayaki: “I was shocked at how good it was! It was perfect for dessert or as a snack.” (USA) “It tastes like real matcha. The texture is good and the amount of cream is perfect.” (Nepal) 

Honkaku-Itame Cha-han (Frozen Fried Rice): “It has a flavor that everyone likes. It has plenty of ingredients, and the rice is nicely chewy.” “It’s easy to heat up and the flavor is good. I really liked it. It’d be even better if it had a few more vegetables.” (USA) 

Asa ni Good!™ Maple Cream Pancakes: “Our kids really liked the breakfast pancakes.” (USA) “The maple cream is delicious without being too sweet.” (Singapore) “It’s perfect for breakfast.” 

Hiyashi Chuuka (Chilled Chinese-Style Noodles): “It was really interesting to cook hiyashi chuuka in the microwave!” (Myanmar) “The texture of the noodles was really good.” (Australia) “I was so surprised that there was still ice inside after heating it up in the microwave!” (Taiwan) 

Comments from the Nichirei Foods Representative 

This was a valuable chance to have visitors from overseas try Nichirei Foods’ frozen food items. 

As Nichirei Foods refuses to compromise on flavor, I was so happy to see that the items in this event received good feedback overall in the survey. 

It seems like frozen foods used for everyday meals are common overseas as well, and it made me realize all over again that “simple and convenient” are universal concepts. Furthermore, it showed me the potential for high-quality Japanese frozen foods to expand to overseas markets. Nichirei Foods will continue to bring smiles to faces all around the world through our pursuit of “delicious, simple, and convenient” products.  

● About Nichirei Foods Inc. 

Representative Director, President: Masahiko Takenaga 

Address: Nichirei Higashi-Ginza Building 6-19-20 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8402 Japan 

Business Information: We manufacture, process, and sell frozen, retort packaged, and canned foods, as well as packaged ice and other products. 

URL: https://www.nichireifoods.co.jp/en/corporate/ 

● Survey Overview 
・Taste Test and Survey Period: June 12-June 23, 2024 
・Survey Participants: MIMARU Tokyo Station East guests 
・Number of Valid Responders: 25 guest groups, 107 people from 9 countries and regions 
・Survey Method: Online survey 

<Survey Respondents: Percentage by Country and Region>

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