Social Media Terms of Use

For using the social media and related services which are provided by Cosmos Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the “Company”), please understand and comply with the terms of use of the social media (hereinafter “Terms of Use”) stated below.

Scope of Application

These Terms of Use shall apply to all users of the social media (hereinafter the “User”) with respect to the social media and related services provided by the Company (hereinafter the “Service”). In the event of any conflict between the provisions of these Terms of Use and those of the terms of use or policy published on the social media website operated by the Company (hereinafter the “Website”), the terms of use, etc. published on a page of the Website shall prevail and govern.

Application for Accommodation Agreement

The User shall comply with and understand the following matters when using the Service:

  1. The User shall be responsible for the consequences resulting from any item, content or information (hereinafter the “Information, etc.”) that the User presented, posted, published, indicated or provided (hereinafter “Provided, etc.”) by using the Service (which means any and all acts of using the Service by means of presenting, posting, publicizing, indicating, providing, etc. and includes the act of mere viewing; hereinafter the “Use”).
  2. Any and all information Provided, etc. by the User shall be available to all Users of the Service for viewing.
  3. Any personal information among the information Provided, etc. by the User through the Use of the Service shall be subject to the Company’s Global Privacy Policy.
  4. The User shall bear any responsibility and liability arising in relation to the management of a password used by the User to access the Service or any activity or act made by the User using such password.
  5. The User shall, at its expense and risk, compensate for any damage caused to a third party as a result of using the Service and solve any conflict with such third party, and shall hold the Company harmless against it.
  6. The Company shall bear no liability for any damage caused to the User in relation to use of the Service, except to the extent such damage was caused as a result of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company.
  7. In the event that the User committed a violation under Article 2 or Article 3 and caused any damage to the Company, the Company shall be entitled to make a claim against the User for damages.
  8. In the event that the User committed a violation of any provision of these Terms of Use, the Company shall have the right to remove the Information, etc. Provided, etc. by the User on the Website without giving prior notice to such User and take any other necessary actions.
  9. The Company makes no endorsement, representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, and legality of the Information, etc. Provided, etc. by the User, or the Information, etc. Provided, etc. by any person other than the User in the Service. (The Company does not endorse, represent or warrant that such information is complete, true, accurate or reliable.) In addition, the User may be exposed to any unpleasant, harmful, inaccurate or inappropriate information by using the Service. The Company shall bear no responsibility or liability for any damage that may be suffered by the User or any third party as a result thereof.

Restrictions in Using the Service

When using the Service, the User shall not engage in any of the following acts:

  1. Any act that infringes or is likely to infringe any right or property of the Company, any other user or a third party;
  2. Any defamatory or libelous act against the Company, any other user or a third party, or any act slandering or defaming any of their products or services;
  3. Any act that infringes privacy of any other user or a third party, for example, publishing personal information, including name, phone number and address;
  4. Election campaign or similar act;
  5. Propagation or solicitation activities or any other acts in relation to a specific religion, organization or association;
  6. Using or copying the Information, etc. provided through the Service for any purpose beyond personal use;
  7. Using the Information, etc. obtained from the Service for the purpose of making profit;
  8. Any act that is disadvantageous to the Company, any other user or a third party;
  9. Any act that is or is likely to be against public order and morals or in violation of laws or regulations;
  10. Providing any harmful, obscene or violent information or any information containing harmful, obscene or violent expression;
  11. Any act that is associated or is likely to be associated with a criminal act;
  12. Any act or behavior that is likely to be offensive to any other user or a third party, such as malicious act and discriminatory act;
  13. Any act that interrupts the operation of the Service or injures the reputation of the Company;
  14. Providing false personal information or other individual’s information by spoofing, etc.; or
  15. Any other act that is deemed by the Company inappropriate.

Handling of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Information published on the Website in relation to the use of the Service shall be possessed by the Company or the person who provided such information (hereinafter collectively the “Information Provider”). Contents of such information that are protected by copyright, trademark right or any other intellectual property right, including photographs and videos, are also attributed to the Information Provider. The User shall not copy, disclose, transmit (including transmission to the public), distribute, assign, lend, translate, adapt or reproduce the contents included in the Service in whole or in part without obtaining written consent of the Information Provider.
  2. Information Providers other than the Company shall grant the Company an unrestricted, assignable, sub-licensable, payment-free, worldwide license to use the contents published on the Website that is protected by intellectual property right.

Change of these Terms of Use

The Company may change these Terms of Use without obtaining consent of the User. In that case, the revised Terms of Use shall take effect at the time when they are published and presented on the Website.

Official account list

Social media operated by the Company are listed below.
For the social media operated by other facilities, please refer to the page of a relevant facility.

MIMARU official Facebook (page in English)
MIMARU official Facebook (page in traditional Chinese characters)
MIMARU official Instagram
MIMARU official YouTube