Social Media Terms

About the Cosmos Hotel Management Social Media Policy

The following attitudes, behavior and basic manners shall be observed on the social media accounts of Cosmos Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).

Awareness and Responsibility in Disseminating Information through Social Media

  • Always recognize that when information is disseminated over the Internet, it can be accessed by an unspecified number of users.
  • Fully recognize that the information disseminated by each person has considerable impact.
  • When disseminating information, strictly comply with laws, regulations and independent internal regulations designated by the Company.
  • Recognize that information is true as of the time it is disseminated, and may change thereafter.
  • Always be aware that positive relationships are forged between employees, users and society at large through communication via social media, and that this greatly contributes to enhance the Company’s brand.

Be prepared for social media participation

  • Remember to adopt the attitude of listening to others’ statements.
  • Disseminate information and respond to others in a responsible way and take care not to cause misunderstandings.
  • Avoid disseminating content that includes personal information.
  • Understand that once information has been published, it can never be completely erased.
  • Fulfill our daily work duties.

Compliance with Various Laws and Regulations

  • Comply with relevant laws and regulations.In particular, avoid actions that infringe upon the copyrights or portrait rights of a third party, injure the reputation of a third party through slander or libel, or infringe upon other rights of a third party.
  • When citing the information disseminated by a third party, and article or similar, clearly indicate the source of the information.

Information and Request for Customers and Users

Please note in advance that the information disseminated by the Company (and its employees) on social media does not necessarily constitute an official announcement by the Company or represent its views. Official announcements will be disseminated on the Company’s website, in the form of a press release, or similar. Please note in advance that Company may cite posts made by customers. Please note that information on social media is true as of the time it is disseminated, and may change thereafter. Please refer to these Terms of Use when using the Company’s social media and associated services.