For those planning a vacation in Japan


Discover the travel style
that suits you
and get some handy tips
for your trip.

How will you explore Japan?
Before embarking on your trip,
check your travel style
and find out useful travel tips.
Discover insights for a delightful
and memorable time
in Japan
with your family or friends.

Reflect on what you are like in daily life,
imagine how you’d like to travel around this time,
and answer the following questions.

Who are you traveling with?

Where do you plan to go?

What does your hotel need to offer on this trip? Please select all answers that meet your wishes.

When making travel plans, which do you prioritize?

Do you feel stressed when having to do something that seems unproductive?

Which one is more important to you in daily life?

What kind of place do you prefer as a travel destination?

When encountering the unfamiliar, do you feel excited or stressed?

To what extent do you make plans before traveling?

What kind of stores do you tend to frequent in daily life?

When making decisions during travel, do you prioritize your own interest or your companions’ thoughts and circumstances?