MIMARU’s SDGs -Vol.7 ~Supporting family trips for children with medical needs, improving essential supplies and services, and strengthening our support systems~

Press Release

We at Cosmos Hotel Management Co., Ltd., who operate the APARTMENT HOTEL MIMARU, have set forth three themes of sustainability we wish to realize in collaboration with all those involved with the company: "Diversity in People and Workstyles," "Connection with Guests and Local Communities," and "Environmental Consideration." We would like to make these efforts public.
In this issue, under the theme of "Connection with Guests and the Local Community," we will introduce our efforts to support family travel for children with medical care, aiming to create a hotel where everyone can stay with peace of mind. Two families with children who require medical care were invited to stay at MIMARU Tokyo Asakusa Station and MIMARU Tokyo Kinshicho to gather feedback on how to make their stay more comfortable. Based on their feedback, efforts were made to increase available rental items and improve services across all MIMARU locations.

<Main Initiatives for This Year>
①Based on the feedback from families with children requiring special medical care, we have prepared amenities such as bathmats and diaper bags for use during their stay.
②We have begun confirming requests of individuals with disabilities, children who require medical care, etc. using a “communication sheet” at the time of reservation.
③Created an information page for individuals with disabilities and children who require medical care on the official MIMARU website.
④All directors and employees have obtained the Universal Manners Certification Level 3.
⑤We have begun providing accommodation support for volunteer organizations that support children battling rare diseases.

"Children requiring medical care" refers to children who need routine medical care such as artificial respiration, tracheal suctioning, and tube feeding. According to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the population of children requiring medical care in Japan has doubled from 9,987 in 2005 to 20,180 in 2021. While improvements in medical technology and other factors have increased the number of children who can live outside of medical facilities, the hurdles to excursions and travel are still quite high. Source:https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000981371.pdf
MIMARU rooms are approximately 40 square meters or larger and have a capacity of 4 or more people, making it possible for the whole family to stay together even with a large amount of luggage, such as medical equipment. Each room is also equipped with a kitchen and dining area, allowing for flexibility in meal preparation, even in cases where special cooking arrangements are needed due to conditions like gastric tubes. This setup enables everyone to enjoy meals together without worrying about time constraints. Therefore, with the cooperation of Try Angle (https://try-angle.org), a general incorporated association that supports travel for children with medical care, we asked families raising children with special medical requirements to stay with us for a trial stay, listened to their opinions, and used their input to improve our services. Furthermore, in March, all MIMARU directors and employees (approximately 230 employees) obtained the “Universal Manners Certification Level 3” in response to these initiatives, and MIMARU has also begun to support a volunteer organization that supports children with rare diseases. We will continue to make improvements so that families with children with special medical needs in both Japan and abroad can comfortably enjoy their trip in Japan.
Universal Manners Certification: https://universal-manners.jp/about

■Identifying areas for improvement through trial stays and interviews with families with children requiring medical care
Children with medical needs and their families stayed overnight at the "MIMARU Tokyo Asakusa STATION" Deluxe 2-Bedroom Suite (capacity: 8 people) and the "MIMARU Tokyo Kinshicho" Accessible Apartment (capacity: 4 people). Both rooms are designed to be wheelchair-friendly, with slightly lower kitchen counters, and accessible bathrooms with sliding doors for ease of entry and exit. On the day of the trial stay, we visited the rooms and conducted interviews based on the "Communication Sheet" prepared in advance with Try Angle Corporation, confirming necessary items, such as bathmats. We were able to identify necessary items that we are currently lacking, and we also recognized the importance of the positioning of electrical outlets and storage space for luggage, and the convenience for guests of knowing what items are available for rental and what needs to be brought along. We also confirmed that there are many pre-travel checklists such as the size of elevators, availability of parking, and options for pre-checking luggage. During the trial stay, guests brought their own meals and utilized the fully equipped kitchen with a refrigerator and microwave to cook. They evaluated the convenience of being able to cook, eat together, and assist family members at their own pace.

■ Service improvements based on feedback from families of children with special medical needs
● Expansion of available rental items necessary for children with medical care, etc.
We have checked the equipment required for accommodating children with medical care or disabilities, and the following rental items are available at each MIMARU location.
・Diaper bin
・Anti-slip shower mat, interlocking changing room mat, shower chair, bath safety rail
・Bed guard (for children), safety rail
※We also provide power strips and other amenities. Please inquire with each MIMARU location in advance as quantities are limited.
● “Communication Sheet” sent when an Accessible Room in reserved
Children requiring medical care or individuals with disabilities often have many things to confirm before traveling, such as accommodations and transportation. It was found that these communications can be a significant burden. To ensure smooth pre-travel preparations, MIMARU sends a "Communication Sheet" to guests who request accessibility rooms, wheelchair use, or indicate that they are traveling with individuals with disabilities or children with medical needs. We will introduce the equipment available for loan at each hotel and inquire about requests. We will also take note of any other requests, such as additional towels or the advance storage of medical devices, and prepare as much as possible to welcome our guests. In addition, as reference information, we will provide access maps and hotel guides reviewed from the perspective of people with disabilities, as well as introduce travel agencies that offer services in English and providers for wheelchair rentals. 

Communication Sheet
Communication Sheet

■ We have begun support for the volunteer organization Make-A-Wish Japan
Make-A-Wish is a volunteer organization which was established with the hope of granting the dreams of children aged 3 to 18 who are battling serious illnesses, in order to give them strength and courage to fight their diseases. We partnered with Make-A-Wish Japan, and in January 2024, invited them to MIMARU Tokyo Hatchobori for the first time. Following their positive feedback, they partnered with MIMARU Kyoto Kawaramachi Gojo in April. The children who stayed enjoyed sharing rooms with their families and interacting with our international staff.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Japan
Board Chairman: Tomomi Nishikawa
Address: Assist Kojimachi Building 4F, 3-2-4 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Established: December 1992
Home page: https://www.mawj.org
Reference Information Introduced in the Communication Sheet>
 Tokyo Universal Design Navigator https://www.udnavi.tokyo/index.html
Tokyo Sightseeing Accessibility Guide https://www.sangyo-rodo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/tourism/accessible/en/
Kyoto Universal Sightseeing Guide https://kyoto-universal.jp/en/index.html
Osaka City Heartful Web https://www.osaka-heartfulweb.jp/bf_top.html
Barrier-free Map for Wheelchair Use https://barrier-free-map.com/                                  
Try Angle Outing Map   https://tinyurl.com/4bs99y69
Travel Consultation for Wheelchair Users|Ohayo Travel                https://ohatra.com/en/
Wheelchair and Wheelchair Lift Rental(Tokyo Only)|Ohayo Travel https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qElir8BQaoZPkQRXu8TKtSO3kRQCarhe/view
Wheelchair Rental|IDO SUPPORT https://www.ido-support.com/english/introduction.html
AccessibleTaxi(Tokyo Only) | Oshidori Shuttle https://www.oshidori-shuttle.tokyo/tokyo-photographers-for-wheelchair-travelers/
● Sustainability goals
Cosmos Hotel Management is working towards sustainability goals under the three themes of "Diversity in People and Work Styles," "Connection with Guests and Local Communities," and "Environmental Consideration."
In "Connections with Guests and Local Communities," we aim to provide a safe and comfortable environment for guests from all over the world, despite the language and culture barriers and different lifestyles found in Japan. We will do our best to support our guests not only during their hotel stay but also in making the most of their trip while enjoying the city and connecting with the local communities.
Sustainability Page: https://mimaruhotels.com/sustainability/

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