MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East made it into Tripadvisor’s 2021 Traveler’s Choice Best of the Best ranking! Among Japan’s best hotels MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East ranked 8th!

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MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East was selected as the 8th best hotel in Japan according to “2021 Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best” ranking by TripAdvisor Co. Ltd., the Japanese subsidiary of the world’s largest travel platform Tripadvisor®.
Tripadvisor uses reviews submitted by guests from all over the world to determine travelers‘ favorite hotels in their “Traveler’s Choice Best of the Best” ranking.

Apartment Hotel MIMARU’s rooms are equipped with a kitchen and a dining area, perfect for a group stay with family and friends. Rooms are available from around 20.000JPY upwards and cater to groups of four travelers or more, though special plans for less than 4 guests are also available.
MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East which was able to achieve the place 8th in this year’s ranking features not only the popular Pokémon Room in which you can have a memorable stay together with the famous monsters, but also a special Child-friendly Room that will let families with small children stay comfortably and safely. Thanks to this, MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East is the first hotel in Japan that was awarded the “Child-friendly HOTEL for travelers” certificate by Mikihouse Child & Family Research Institute. Even travelers with pets do not need to worry since there is a Pet-friendly Plan available.

*Weekday prices as of May 2021 vary depending on the hotel, room plan, and season. Please check our website for details.

Deluxe Apartment (Western-style)

Pokémon Room

Child-friendly Room (Japanese-style)

Pet-friendly Room


Rooftop Terrace

According to reviews for MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East, our guests appreciate the chance to enjoy cooking and having dinner in our spacious rooms, are excited about the numerous rental items, and love talking to the friendly, energetic staff.

We value our guests’ opinions very much and it is thanks to their voice that we can keep the high standard of service across all our hotels not only in Tokyo, but also Kyoto and Osaka. We will strive ever harder to deliver you an authentic and safe adventure in Japan!

MIMARU Tokyo Ueno East Homepage


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