MIMARU SDGs -Vol.1: 3 Declarations of Sustainability SDGs that staff from 26 different countries come together to brainstorm and implement.

Press Release

MIMARU SDGs -Vol.1: 3 Declarations of Sustainability 

SDGs that staff from 26 different countries come together to brainstorm and implement. 

Cosmos Hotel Management Co., Ltd. operates the APARTMENT HOTEL MIMARU hotel series characterized by spacious, kitchen-inclusive rooms where families and friends can all stay together. The three sustainability themes for actualization that have been distilled down by all those involved at MIMARU are: the diversity of people and work styles, the connection between guests and local communities, and environmental impact. These themes were decided by a diverse staff originating from 26 countries and regions around the world, each with a different culture and different experiences, yet all while respecting each other’s individuality. 
From our guests to the region and from the region to the world, now into the future as we head toward a society where the connection of happiness spreads from one person to the next, we at MIMARU hereby declare that we will take action to bring the SDGs to reality. We will introduce MIMARU’s steady efforts toward this reality on a regular basis. 

The Diversity of People and Work Styles :Toward a world in which each person’s individuality shines bright 
We respect our diverse staff from 26 countries and regions around the world, and we aim to create a workplace where the staff can support each other to achieve their dreams. 

● An introduction to our current situation and our workplace creation 

● Received the advanced rank certification for the D&I Award 2022, the biggest award in Japan 

The Connection Between Guests and Local Communities :A connection made through fun 
We will further the development of mutual understanding and liveliness through the connection between guests and the locality and an environment in which they spend time comfortably and at ease, even in Japan where the language, culture, and lifestyle differ from their own.  

A hotel where anyone can stay without worry, from those with disabilities to those of any religion. otel where anyone can stay without worry, from those with disabilities to those of any religion. 

●We are registered as a Company Committed to Sustainable Tourism in Kyoto 

Environmental Impact:Together toward a sustainable future 

Through steps such as the use of products with a low environmental impact and measures against climate change, we will work with our guests and promote initiatives, taking into consideration the environmental impact we make as an accommodation facility. 

● An earth-friendly stay through the guests taking their own amenities, an eco-cleaning service, and energy and water conservation practices. 

●Begin purchasing non-fossil fuel energy certificates proportionate to our power consumption to move toward net zero greenhouse gas emissions. 

■ A Brief History of Our Company’s Steps Toward the SDGs 
MIMARU began following the SDGs in 2021. From a survey taken within the company in June of that year, it was clear that nearly every member of MIMARU was interested in and supportive of the SDGs. We gathered a plethora of diverse opinions about what we should work on. With that, we began the SDGs Project in October. We gathered motivated members from various departments of the company who wished to participate. They were all different ages and all came from different roles and countries. Together, they repeatedly examined and discussed SDG policies and proposed measures. By March of 2022, the three themes of the diversity of people and work styles, the connection between guests and local communities, and environmental impact were decided and the priority measures proposed. An implementation team was formed in April, and the initiatives have been underway since. 

■ Status of the Progression of the 3 Themes 

We will introduce some of the current activities that MIMARU is involved in.

The Diversity of People and Work Styles 

● Our current status and workplace creation 

You can see the current situation of our employees’ nationalities, work styles, manager breakdown, employee benefits system/policies and more on our official website. For example, of the 103 staff employed at our hotels in August of 2022, 83% are from 26 countries and regions outside of Japan. They differ in age and experience, and we are working to make sure that their individuality shines. 

For details, please follow this link: https://mimaruhotels.com/en/news/workplace/ 


● Received the Advanced Rank Certification for the D&I Award 2022, the Biggest Award in Japan 

We applied for the D&I Award 2022 (sponsored by JobRainbow Co., Ltd), which is the biggest award in Japan for certifying and commending businesses making efforts in diversity and inclusion (D&I). Through the process of measuring our score against objective indicators, we were able to distinguish our strengths and confirm our challenges ahead. 

For details, please follow this link : https://mimaruhotels.com/en/news/diaward2022/

「The Connection Between Guests and Local Communities」 
A Hotel Where Those with Disabilities Can Stay Without Worry and a Hotel Where Muslims are Welcomed 
We provide support for both guests and staff to eliminate inconveniences during travel and at work, all while preserving their values and daily life necessities including meal styles, prayers, and customs so that they may have peace of mind. We listened to the opinions of those who use wheelchairs and prepared handrails to aid in standing, shower chairs, and bathtub gripping rails in the guest rooms. We also arranged Muslim-specific cooking utensils (knife, cutting board, some dishes) and prayer sets. 

● Registered as a Company Committed to Sustainable Tourism in Kyoto 

We registered as a Company Committed to Sustainable Tourism in Kyoto because we endorse the goal for all those related to tourism in Kyoto to work together to create sustainable tourism there while respecting one another. At our MIMARU hotels in Kyoto, we actively introduce the Kyoto tourism code of conduct to guests from all around the world and promote initiatives for contribution. 

Official Website: https://www.moral.kyokanko.or.jp/en 

● Registered as a Company Committed to Sustainable Tourism in Kyoto 

We registered as a Company Committed to Sustainable Tourism in Kyoto because we endorse the goal for all those related to tourism in Kyoto to work together to create sustainable tourism there while respecting one another. At our MIMARU hotels in Kyoto, we actively introduce the Kyoto tourism code of conduct to guests from all around the world and promote initiatives for contribution. 

Official Website: https://www.moral.kyokanko.or.jp/en 

「Environmental Impact」 

● An Earth-Friendly Stay Through the Guests Taking their own Amenities, an Eco-Cleaning Service, and Energy and Water Conservation Practices 

In an effort to eliminate one-use plastic products, we do not prepare toothbrushes, razors, hairbrushes, slippers, and other similar amenities in the guest rooms. Instead, we offer them as a self-service option where we request guests to only take what they need. In addition, we are taking measures such as eco-friendly cleaning services for those staying more than one night and the installation of energy-saving and water-saving equipment. 


● We Will Begin to Purchase FIT Non-Fossil Fuel Energy Certificates*1 Proportionate to MIMARU’s Power Consumption 

The Daiwa House Group to which we belong has been taking various initiatives toward a long-term environmental vision. One such initiative is our aim to use 100% renewable electricity in all business activities, which the group committed to by joining the international initiative RE100*2 in 2018. MIMARU is also taking steps toward actualizing RE100 through the purchase of FIT non-fossil fuel energy certificates in order to make use of renewable energy sources for our electricity. As of April 2023, MIMARU plans to begin purchasing non-fossil fuel energy certificates and aim for achieving a net zero greenhouse gas emission.​ 

*1 Non-fossil fuel energy certificates are certificates to trade for the environmental value of electricity generated from renewable energy sources that do not emit CO2 such as solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity, geothermal power, and biomass power. These certificates mean that the electricity users holding them are effectively using renewable energy and contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. 

*2 RE100 is an abbreviation of Renewable Energy 100%, an international initiative with the goal of changing to 100% renewable energy used in business activities.​ 

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